Oh how life is filled with changes! Some good..some fair...and some so darn yucky that ya wish ya didn't have to deal with them!
Mentioning in particular my long history with eBay. I have been with them since 1999 and thought I would never leave but boy have things been changing concerning that lately. Everyone knows the drastic changes and fee hikes ebay made yet again a couple months back and it has really taken its toll this time. I am afraid the writing is on the wall for me concerning them.....
BUT on the brighter side......I have a new love affair happening with etsy! Things are so much more relaxed there...it is a buy it now environment (no bidding)--you see it, you like it, you buy it! The site can carry most of my items (it only allows crafted items/art/vintage pieces/supplies) so it works for me. It has grown a lot recently but still has a way to go before many can really make a living at it but I have fingers crossed that it will keep on an upwardly path. So here I sit trying to figure out how I will make our ends meet while I am amidst all this change, the economy, the gas prices, etc. I will figure something out....I always do! If it means doing farmers markets, I'm there! If I have to look into various fairs, I'm there! Heck, if I have to have garage sales, I'm there! Anything to keep the electricity on...... :-)
With that said, I must return to work now as I have several neat vintage items I want to get ready to list on etsy
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